發布時間:2020-09-11 瀏覽次數:677次
1、The effect of work-leisure conflict on front-line employees’ work engagement: A cross-level study from the emotional perspective,Asia Pacific Journal of Management
2、The influence of the community climate on users’ knowledge-sharing intention: the social cognitive theory perspective,Behaviour & Information Technology
3、Inclusive Leadership and Pro-Social Rule Breaking: The Role of Psychological Safety, Leadership Identification and Leader-Member Exchange⛹🏿♂️🌩,Psychological Reports
這是石文典教授團隊近期在組織行為管理研究方向的最新成果🚊。Asia Pacific Journal of Management期刊位於SSCI管理學大類二區,Behaviour & Information Technology期刊位於SCI計算機科學、控製論大類二區,Psychological Reports期刊位於SSCI心理學及交叉科學大類二區。
The effect of work-leisure conflict on front-line employees’ work engagement: A cross-level study from the emotional perspective
The influence of the community climate on users’ knowledge-sharing intention: the social cognitive theory perspective
Inclusive Leadership and Pro-Social Rule Breaking: The Role of Psychological Safety, Leadership Identification and Leader-Member Exchange